Friday, July 28, 2006

Morning Drive

Four minutes is what it takes me to drive from my house to 35W for the morning commute.

I'm just rolling this morning. Got the shades on, catching up up on some news, looking around....

Neighbor walks out of his house with the dog on a leash -- not a weird sight. Then, I turn the corner and there's another dog running with another owner. Drive a little further, there's a little girl playing with her dog in her yard.

All three -- the SAME fricken dog -- daschunds.

Well, at least it's not poodles.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Newsflash: It's hot

Dear news folks,

Thank you for telling me it's hot. I will slowly wait for certain impending death this weekend.

I will most certainly remember your public service in heaven.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Back On The Clock

Sorry I've been out of the office for awhile. I've been golfing. Or, as a young friend of mine used to remind me in high school, proper grammar is "playing golf." What'd you expect?

In reality, I've probably only played about 100 holes so far this year. Pretty poor by my estimation, but considering that I've been working a very odd work schedule since the first week of May, I'm fairly happy where I'm at on the links. Keeping that golf handicap somewhere between 10 and 12. That's cool with me for now.

Tomorrow is my last day of work at WCCO-TV. I begin a new job working with NBC Sports and Internet Broadcasting on Monday. Even though I'm very anxious for a vacation - there's no rest for the weary.

In case you never heard about the change, it was one of the hardest decisions I've made in my life. If I was going to work for a TV news station, 'CCO was the place for me, and I can't be more grateful for the opportunity to work there with some great people who really do care about good stories that help people more than just ratings , scaring people or creating controversies. Hopefully they all don't hold too much ill will against me since I only worked there four and a half months. When opportunities come though -- you just hope the risk is worth the reward.

I graduated from the U just about 13 months ago and I think it's very astonishing to think of all that's occurred in one year. Have 4 different full-time jobs, enter a serious relationship, move across town, drop 15 pounds or so, become a master chef, make a fair amount of money but have little to show for it, make new friends, and on and on .... I don't have too many complaints -- I just need a vacation.

Any ideas?