Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Goodbye Ann's Barber

A sad thing happened Saturday. My hair was just getting a little more out of whack than normal, and I decided it was time for a cut. I headed back across town to campus, and a small barbershop called Ann's Barber. I pulled up, parked my car and headed to the door that led to the shop and the sign was there:

"Our lease was up. Thanks again for 13 years of service!! - Ann & Andy"

It was a small shop, run by a middle-aged couple, who were very friendly and did a nice job. Once when I was headed before a job interview in Florida, they told me they'd offer to cut my hair down there if I ever moved there. Their son lived in Winter Haven. The job opportunity didn't work out, but every time I came back they'd ask if I was moving to Florida. Well, now perhaps they're down there. My hair just keeps growing (thank god I'm not going bald), but I guess I'll have to find a new place.


Blogger Unknown said...

May I suggest LaMode salon in Richfield? That's where Ben's sister, Laurie, is a stylist. It might not have the same ambience of a barber shop, but I guarantee you'll leave with a great hair cut.



I'll stop being a blogging billboard now. hehe

5:01 PM  

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