The closing ceremony for the
Torino Games occurs in a few hours. I’m ready for it, particularly since the last three weeks of my life feels like I’ve become a crack addict. On most nights, I struggle to fall asleep because I’m so wired on making sure I’m doing my job well. I wake up almost every morning sweating and uncomfortable because I keep dreaming that I’m at my desk saying, “god, I gotta change the top story, shit – what should I pick?” So pretty much whether I’m awake, eating or sleeping … my mind is all-Olympics all the time. I'm getting rather sick of it.
I shouldn’t complain, though, that should pass soon. After all, not too many people get to be involved in a unique experience like this and at least I got to stay inside and away from the frigid weather in February. I just saw a promo for the
2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. Go figure – NBC has already started the countdown. Only 893 days to go….
My aches for golf season were mildly alleviated yesterday. Number two and I headed to our rusty toilet bowl stadium for the MN golf show. It was pretty much golf heaven for Minnesota in February – new/used golf clubs, countless contests for golf vacations, free lessons, etc. Ironically, I head to the golf show and only end up buying sunglasses.
The expo encompassed the entire floor, including a full-scale driving range. The driving mats were located on the left-field foul line, and of course I grabbed a couple of the best new demo clubs, took a few hacks – definitely ugly – and smacked a few balls off the seats above center field. I loved it and it made me think, once the Twins, Vikings, and Gophers leave that craphole – I think we’ve got the perfect place keep my golf swing going during the long winter!
An eternal question: there must be golf in heaven, right? I’m not trying to be cryptic, but do you have to make a tee time?