Deep Thoughts
Last night I stumbled across the thought that I had no clue what would happen in 2005. I doubt I will do much better at guessing at what 2006 will bring. Last January, I was enjoying my month long winter break heading into my final semester of college.
I struggle at thinking back that far and remembering much beyond my daily activities. I must have been debating many issues: whether to extend into a fifth year of school, what my gig would be like with the PGA in Miami, what life would be like at the Daily, where my next place of work would be, why girls are so frustrating, when will I make a man-sized paycheck, and yada yada yada.
I guess the uncertainty continues. I don't know where I'll get paid after March, where I'll live, what I'll be doing, what new hobby I'll pick up, or just how bad my golf game will get before I start lowering the handicap again. I'm thinking of joining my first men's golf league this summer.
I'd really like to go outside the box in 2006. Take an extreme vacation. Terrorize Ben. Volunteer more. Get in shape. Buy my first car. Get a puppy.
I know it's natural for us all to think about the future, and question how each choice we make affects each day after. If anything, I plan to be more decisive and I will follow this decree: "Don't be the bunny."
So really, I know nothing. But what the heck is a soon-to-be 24-year-old supposed to do?